Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Types of Vegetarians

The Different Types of Vegetarians!!

These days more and more, people are making the switch to vegitarianism.
A Vegitarian is a person who does not eat meat, and sometimes other animal products, especially for moral, religious, or health reasons. With that there are a few different types of Vegitarianism. Understanding the different types helps you choose the right path for you.

Types of Vegetarians

1. Semi-Vegetarian

Also know as a flexitarian, this is someone who occasionally intakes red meat, poultry, and seafood. They mostly consume vegetables. This is the best place to start when new to this world. If Semi-Vegitarianism sounds like the thing for you try slowly eliminating the meat options, you might realize it's easier than you thought.

2. Lacto Vegitarian

Basically this is vegan who eats dairy. A Lacto Vegitarian eats things made with milk; cheese, yogurt, butter, and cream. This would be more so for someone who feels very strong about staying with an all vegetable diet.  

3. Lacto-Ovo Vegitarian

My favorite personally would the Lacto Ovo Vegitarian. This type of Vegetarian eats eggs and dairy products. They more so have a balanced diet of eggs, dairy, fruits, and veggies. For someone just beginning, if you don't really eat meats like that I would start here first.

4. Ovo Vegitarian

An Ovo Vegitarian is one of the more interesting types to me. An Ovo Vegitarian eats no meat, no dairy, just eggs. They will not eat things like cheese, ice cream, or bitter. Eggs carry a lot of protein and nutrients. When it comes to the health aspect of things I would say this would be the easiest transition from semi to full.

5. Macrobiotic Vegitarian

If you love seafood this might just be the path for you. A macrobiotic Vegitarian mainly consumes veggies but will eat the occasional aquatic creatures. One thing to be careful of is, your mercury intake as well. A macrobiotic diets also elimates think others good for a cleaner experience so make sure you do you research before committing to this type.

At the end of the day moving to a cleaner way of life is a great step fixing your overall health. Remember that these are stepping stones for your future so be open to trying new things. This will open a lot of doors to a holostic way of living, so do be scared just embrace simple and holistic.

Monday, May 16, 2016

5 Steps to vegetarianism

It's official I have finally made my way back to vegetarianism and I am so excited. It has been a wonderful and fulfilling journey so far and I can't wait for more of this journey.

I know starting off for me way hard so I wanted to give 5 steps to vegetarianism.

Step 1:  Pick your type

The first thing you want to do is determine what type of vegetarian you want to be. There are serval types of vegetarianism, they range from full out to not really at all.

Step 2: Make a meal plan

Once you have picked what type of vegetarian you would like to be next you want to put together a meal plan. When in this transition it is better to have an idea what you are going to eat. Nutrition Facts Labels will become your friend. You will start realizing that these fast food places have nothing for you. You best friend is going to be the grocery store. Here is a great starter diet for a beginner vegetarian.

Step 3: Find your store

As I stated the grocery store will be your best friend. If you have a kroger in your area they have a amazing natural food section. If not look for the whole food stores in your area. Places like Trader Joes, GFS, etc. focus solely on natural food and our type of living. If are a beginner I would advise starting with kroger or your local grocery store because those whole food stores can be overwhelming.

Step 4: Clean our fridge and go shopping

This is going to be the most fun of all the steps. Cleaning our your fridge and cabinets is key. You want to get rid of anything that does not go with your new diet if you can. Leaving that one stake in the back for hard times is not what we are aiming for. Now the best part is going shopping. When you get to stock up with all healthy new interesting food it feels so good. Quorn is the best brand I've come across but you'll find you fav.


I started this journey for a better me which I'm sure is the case for a lot of you. Last and final steps is to stay true to your journey and never look back. You've already made it pretty far by getting her so don't stop now. The finish line is as close as you want it to be so keep coming.

Vegetarianism will be a very rewarding life (once you get through withdraws). Make sure you stay true yourself and never give up. It will be hard sometimes but remember to stay strong and you'll make it.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Month 2

Hey Guys,

We are two weeks into May and my focus this month is living a healthy Vegetarian Life. I started at 210 so far i am down to 192. I've decided to start a workout plan and meal plan where i can maximize my weight loss journey.

The 3-1-2-1 Diet By Biggest Loser Coach
Image result for dolvett quince 3121

I will be going grocery shopping Monday so I will start his plan on Monday. He has detailed everything you could need in here cant wait.

For the first time In my life i know what i want....that is a fit toned body,
Image result for fit black womenThis is an example of what I want!
This is me now i got some time til im there but im working on it

Month 1

Month one was very interesting, but very rewarding as well. My first two weeks I decided  lets just start with veggies and not eating any meat at all. Once i got that out of the way i was then good to move to the next step.

After about two weeks I had BAADDD withdrawal and a headache that was out of this world. Once That week passed I was feeling unstoppable. One thing that helped was my meat substitutions. I've tried a few things Ill give you and examples:

1. Tufurkey- sandwhich
2. All Quorn Products
3. Little Fresh

*riboflavin is a animal product found in certain foods.

My story needs a little introduction


My name is Shinead Riddle I am 24 (25 in December) and today I decided I am on this wonderful journey why not share it with the world. I want to show you that everything is possible and just a simple life change can do so much. This life is not crazy expensive like most think either, my shopping list actually cost less than yours. On April 1st, 2015 I made the bold decision to become a Lacto-ovo Vegetarian. For those who don't know there are several types of vegetarians out there:

Image result for types vegetarian

At the end of the day it is about what works best for you just starting out, because once you get that down you can improve on what you have and your success is inevitable.  As a stated i decided to choose Lacto-Ovo that means eat only dairy and egg products other than that no other animal products AT ALL. I am a girl who loves her dairy, and eggs (MMMIILLLK  YAY!!!!!). I sure many of you are now wondering how did i make my choice, well it's very simple. It is all about process of elimination. Lets start with pescetarian, I became a vegetarian because truly i wanted something to stand for in life. I wanted disciple and a to take control of my life so that is what I did. Pescetarian does not work for me because even though I LOVE ANY AND ALL SEAFOOD, I knew one thing, the thing I knew was that I love animals and I truly don't want to put a helpless animal in my mouth. Fish are friends not food. Second I realized I wanted to NO animal products at all so that narrowed down my list tremendously. I love milk, eggs, cheese, etc and I don't want to live without them so Lacto-ovo it is. Once I made my decision i did as much research as i could to find the ends and outs, sadly not much info. Its time to take control of our lives, no more shoudla, coulda, woulda. If this something you really want to do but you just need support, well im here for you ask away.